We breed genetically hornless Braunvieh cattle based on the Swiss Tradition Braunvieh. Naturally hornless cattle it has always existed. Our Swiss Tradition Braunvieh stock was bred to naturally hornless (polled) Braunvieh animals. Between 40 and 50 polled Braunvieh cows are grazing on the pastures of our cow-calf operation in Alberswil near Lucerne. Today dehorning of calves is no longer an issue. So our animals are remaining of the painful intervention of dehorning.

The most important criterion of breeding selection on our beef cattle operation with Braunvieh is the muscularity. In addition to a good muscling, our polled Braunvieh beef cows are characterized by calving ease, high milk production and high daily gain. Our cows have great capacity for eating big quantities of roughage.

In the summer most of our cattle herd is grazing on high mountain pastures up to 1800 meters above sea level. There is good health and robustness necessary for survival.


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